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 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Thursday, November 19, 2009

My, how time flies...

...when you're havin' FUN!!!

Mackenzie is now 3 months and 1 week old! I "ghetto-weighed" her a few days ago and she was 9.4 lbs! What a BIG girl!

I absolutely love being a mom. It's everything I imagined, and more. I love tickling Mackenzie and watching her facial expressions. I love seeing her lift her head and turn to see my face when I have her facing out on my lap. I love her cry, even though sometimes it's frustrating if I can't soothe her. I love waking up in the middle of the night to hold her and feed her, even though I can't do it naturally, I can still provide her what she needs.

We have much to be thankful for. Mackenzie's life and my life prove it. This Sunday will be a day etched in my memory for all time. This Sunday is the day Drew and I will give our Angel Baby back to the Lord. She is rightfully His, but he has entrusted her to us to take care of while we are here on Earth. This Sunday is also, fittingly, Thanksgiving Sunday. What a blessed day it will be! Lily, Mackenzie's cousin and future BFF, is also going to be dedicated.

It has been a long time since I have updated my bloggity-blog because, hello, I'm a busy momma! I have bottles to wash, a house to clean, bills to pay... but most importantly and excitingly, a baby to cuddle!! Sometimes, we get wrapped up in stuff we have to do that we forget to live and cuddle.

I follow one gal's blog, and she put it so beautifully... "But for now, I'm rocking my baby, & babies don't keep."

That's what it's all about. Mackenzie will not be tiny for much longer, as her 9.4 lb self proves it, and I don't want to miss a minute or a second of cuddling. Some day soon, she will be up to mischief and running all over the place, maybe getting on my nerves and making my temper flare. Well, maybe not... who could get angry at a child like mine?? :-)

The past 3 months have been... interesting and wonderful all at the same time. The first 5 weeks of Mackenzie's life in the NICU was hard. Harder than anything I've ever been through. I was there with her every day and there is not one second I regretted my time there, even though I had a maximum "holding" time so she didn't get too stimulated.

The first night home was absolute bliss. Finally having your month-old baby HOME with you.. no words could describe the feeling.

After the first night, it seems, looking back, that it's gone in a flash. Where have the past 3 months gone?? We focus so much on the future, that we forget to live in the present. And the present is just that... a present. To be enjoyed, nurtured and cuddled. I pray that I never get ahead of myself and forget to enjoy, nurture and cuddle my present, Mackenzie.

We had our "newborn" pictures taken about 2 1/2 weeks ago... hopefully when I get our proofs, I will be able to post a couple. But for now, here is Mackenzie's dedication picture.

I am a mom & I am in love...