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 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Friday, June 4, 2010

9 Months & Crawling

So... I guess I should update ya'll.  It's been a while, so I guess I owe ya that much.  ;-)

Mackenzie is now 9 1/2 (almost 10) months old!  She has grown SO much lately, it absolutely boggles my mind!  She has gone from rolling, to getting on her tummy, then screaming cause she couldn't get anywhere, to rocking back'n'forth on her hands and knees, to scooting backwards, then screaming cause she was getting farther away from her toys, to CRAWLING!  Wow! 

She's so fast now.  I've had to pay more attention to little things, like that piece of goldfish that I missed on the carpet, or those silly computer cords from Drew's latest shoot-fest on the xbox.  (Which, btw, Drew was amazing and cleaned up all the cords and now our living room looks nice and clean!)

And now, I need to worry about buying some baby gates, pronto.  She's learning to get up the step to get into the kitchen area.  And from the kitchen area, there are stairs that lead to the garage and then down to the basement.  That's my fear right now that I'll turn for a second and down she'll tumble.  So, for now, I am trying not to focus on anything other than Mackenzie while she's crawling everywhere!

If you're interested, here are her 9 month stats:

Weight: 16.6 lbs (10th %ile)
Height: 26.5 in (20th %ile)
Head: 17 3/4 (50th %ile lolz)

I have a video of the first time she really crawled.  There's crawling mixed in with some belly flops, as I lovingly dubbed them.  :-)  I'll have to post it to FB whenever I get done being lazy-momma.  hehe

Let's see... since the last time I posted... I turned the big 2-5!  I can now rent a car!  LOL!  And I am a quarter of a century old!  Yeehaw!  Mackenzie also took her first trip to the zoo on my birthday.  We had lots of fun.  :-)

And now, Lily, Mackenzie's cousin is 1 and walking!  So, yesterday, we went to the zoo again for a fun-filled, smoldering hot, day!

I can't think of much else to write now.  Hope you are having a fantastic week!
