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Thursday, March 31, 2011

It's an adventure, Charlieeeee...

Ah, yes, I love the Charlie the unicorn videos.  However, I feel like I lose a few brain cells afterward.  :-P 

If you get a chance, or the courage, you should check it out.


So, we had a little "adventure" this week.  Last Monday (the 21st), I took Mackenzie to the doctor for an ear infection.  This was only her second infection, so rock on!  Yummy bubblegum medicine, here we come! 

Here we are the following Monday evening, after bathtime, I notice two red spot where her diaper was (on her legs) and I thought it was just rubbage - hello, chubrub - so I lovingly put some hydrocortisone cream on, like I do for all her little eczema spots, and her yummy aveeno oatmeal lotion. 

Next morning, I get her up from bed and unzip her sleeper.  HELLOOOO RASH.  All. Over. Her. Body.

So, as I'm trying not to panic, I try to reassure her, comfort her and call the doctor all at the same time.  They got us in at 10 am to see a different doc as hers was not in that day.  Come to find out my poor girl is allergic to penicillin!  I guess my mom's mom was also highly allergic.  Who'dathunk?

Naturally, the doctor advises that we stop the amoxicillin immediately and just keep up the benadryl and do a dose of zyrtec at bedtime.  I thought all would get better.

Nope.  Wednesday morning it's so much worse.. my poor baby!  Now it has spread all over her body - not just spots, it was completely connected - and to her face and scalp.  She wasn't bothered much Tuesday, but Wednesday she was scratching at it and just generally fussy.  :-(  So I called the dr office again and they wanted to wait a bit to see how the benadryl took affect.  These pics are were taken at 10 am - she got a tsp of benadryl at 8 am....

Uhhh... Houston, we have a problem!!

Luckily, my doctor is an amazing Christian woman, and knows I'm a good momma, so she trusted me when I said it wasn't getting better, only worse!

On the road again.... got back in to the doctor at 12:15 - and she went to get another doctor and a student to come see.  My daughter got quite a few looks and chats that afternoon!  I hope Mackenzie's reaction was helpful to the student and doctors in the office so they can be better doctors! 

Now, we're on Day 2 of steroids and holy moly, have they made a HUGE difference!  She still has the hives, but now they are almost completely gone from her face and there are just a few spots on her abdomin and back.  The worst spots are her arms and legs, but they are gradually getting better. 

Word of the Wise:  ALWAYS trust your maternal instincts!  I thought she was worse and needed something in addition to the benadryl to get her immune system to chill, and I was right!  I thank God for giving me my maternal instincts to take the best care possible of my sweet girl, Mackenzie!

It's an adventure Charlieeeee.... Biliip Biliip  (I know you wanna go watch that video now....)

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