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Thursday, March 10, 2011

Lent (no, not the bellybutton kind!)

I didn't make it to the Ash Wednesday service last night.  I feel kinda guilty for just picking up Mackenzie and getting home at a decent hour for her bedtime.  But it had been a long day.  I did, however, read some passages in the Bible before I got up yesterday morning.  One verse, in particular, stuck out to me.  It was from Psalms 143 verse 10 - "Teach me to do your will, for you are my God!"


Many people think of Lent and think it's just for the catholics.  Drew saw someone at his work yesterday with ash on his forehead.  He thought it was kind of weird.  But it's not really all that weird.  Okay, yeah, walking around all day with dirt on your head is kinda funny, but the message isn't.  At all.  It's a tangible reminder of the reason we celebrate and remember during this Lent season.  Easter isn't just an ordinary day.  It's the day we have set to remember what Christ did for us.  He died, having no sin whatsoever, so that we wouldn't have to pay the price for our sins.  That's incredible!

"Teach me to do your will, for you are my God!"  I believe it's God's will for me that I pray for the unsaved, the broken, and the needy.  If I can do nothing else, I can still pray, and ask God to find a way into the hardened hearts of His people.  Some of those people are my friends.  And I really don't want to be in heaven someday and realize that I didn't do all in my power to make sure they had a spot next to me.  I felt compelled to give up Facebook because, frankly, I spend too much time on there.  I can use that time I would be scrolling through the pages to pray.

"Ubi caritas et amor, Deus ibi est" - Where charity and love are found, God is there.


  1. Role reversal. I'm learning from you. <3

  2. It's all from stuff you've tried to teach us as we were growing up. I'm just now realizing it. :-) <3
