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Thursday, March 3, 2011

Revived again

This past week has been revival services at my church.  I can't even remember the last time I attended those special services.  I've had time, but didn't make them a priority.  I felt like the spotlight was put on my heart by Roger, our music pastor, one Wednesday evening while talking about the importance of making these services a priority.  And I am glad I went this year.  Between reading some really awesome books, the Redemption series (I'm on book 3 already) by Karen Kingsbury and starting some new friendships and also attending choir more, I've really felt God pulling me back to Him.

In the book series I'm reading, the characters have a personal relationship with God.  The kind of relationship that is more of a constant "talking" to God and hearing His whispered promises and encouragement.  Not all the characters have that though, and it truly makes me sad for them.  How much better would life be with that relationship than not?  So much!  And I see that, and I want that!  I don't know what made me pick up these books for my Kindle because I'm such a Harry Potter/Twilight nerd that it's not even funny.  Any other book I've tried to read in the past, I just couldn't get into.  I know, it's God working in my life. 

We have a new youth pastor and we've had a new children's pastor (for a while).  It's kind of funny though, last April, we attended Drew's best friend's wedding, and Jay and Kelly sang a song during the ceremony.  I didn't think much of it, but the following Sunday, I saw them at church!  We kind of made small talk and that was pretty much it.  Kelly sings in the choir and lately she has been reaching out to me.  They have invited us to Sunday school, and last Sunday, we decided to go ahead and try it out.  Despite our hesistance because of all the "seminary" folk.  :-)  Just goes to show that you can't judge a book by its cover. 

I've been praying for some good girl friends.  And here comes Curtis and Jane and their adorable daughter, Bekah.  And how small is the world??  They are from Livermore, CA!!  Hey God, I see your hand in all things and thanks.  It's so funny how God works.  I used to live in Pleasanton, which is really close to Livermore and several of my friends are from Livermore.  Again, how small is the world?  It turns out that Curtis knows my best friend's little brother! 

Anyway, I'm just in awe of how God works.  I really believe God brings people into your life for a reason.  I'm excited to see where God takes me in life and I'm excited to gain some new friendships!

I've also been thinking a lot about my life.  I've felt like I'm in a rut lately.  I have a part-time job and then I'm a SAHM the rest of the time.  But other than being Kenzie's mom, I feel like I have no purpose.  I know that's not true, but I just am bored with life.  My part-time job isn't anything exciting.  I help my dad out with office work.  But it's not my passion.  It just helps him, and helps us with some needed income. 

Last night I was trying to think about what my passion is.  And I came to the conclusion that I LOVE to sing.  And what does God do?  He brings a gal up to me after revival services, to invite me to sing in a small ensemble with her and (who else?) Kelly!  Kind of like a Barlow Girl or Point of Grace kind of sound.  I'm so excited!

I guess the whole point to my rambling and chaotic post today is that God is working - continuously - in our lives each and every day.  I've just opened my heart and mind to Him, and therefore I have started noticing His works.  And boy, am I thankful!

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