March for Babies!

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Friday, June 5, 2009

first baby purchase!

As I was messing around on The Bump today, someone posted a couple of swings that are on sale at Kohl's! So I sent the link to Drew and he told me to go ahead and buy it tonight. We weren't sure how long the sale would last and it was 50% off the reg. price from Babies R Us! Wheeee!! It should be here in about 2 weeks! Yay!

It's the Fisher-Price Nature's Touch Papasan Cradle Swing! Hooray! I hope my little girl enjoys it! It plays 8 different lullabies, has the mobile over the head, and you can turn the seat sideways to swing front-to-back! I can't wait to get it all set up!

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