March for Babies!

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Thursday, November 19, 2009

My, how time flies...

...when you're havin' FUN!!!

Mackenzie is now 3 months and 1 week old! I "ghetto-weighed" her a few days ago and she was 9.4 lbs! What a BIG girl!

I absolutely love being a mom. It's everything I imagined, and more. I love tickling Mackenzie and watching her facial expressions. I love seeing her lift her head and turn to see my face when I have her facing out on my lap. I love her cry, even though sometimes it's frustrating if I can't soothe her. I love waking up in the middle of the night to hold her and feed her, even though I can't do it naturally, I can still provide her what she needs.

We have much to be thankful for. Mackenzie's life and my life prove it. This Sunday will be a day etched in my memory for all time. This Sunday is the day Drew and I will give our Angel Baby back to the Lord. She is rightfully His, but he has entrusted her to us to take care of while we are here on Earth. This Sunday is also, fittingly, Thanksgiving Sunday. What a blessed day it will be! Lily, Mackenzie's cousin and future BFF, is also going to be dedicated.

It has been a long time since I have updated my bloggity-blog because, hello, I'm a busy momma! I have bottles to wash, a house to clean, bills to pay... but most importantly and excitingly, a baby to cuddle!! Sometimes, we get wrapped up in stuff we have to do that we forget to live and cuddle.

I follow one gal's blog, and she put it so beautifully... "But for now, I'm rocking my baby, & babies don't keep."

That's what it's all about. Mackenzie will not be tiny for much longer, as her 9.4 lb self proves it, and I don't want to miss a minute or a second of cuddling. Some day soon, she will be up to mischief and running all over the place, maybe getting on my nerves and making my temper flare. Well, maybe not... who could get angry at a child like mine?? :-)

The past 3 months have been... interesting and wonderful all at the same time. The first 5 weeks of Mackenzie's life in the NICU was hard. Harder than anything I've ever been through. I was there with her every day and there is not one second I regretted my time there, even though I had a maximum "holding" time so she didn't get too stimulated.

The first night home was absolute bliss. Finally having your month-old baby HOME with you.. no words could describe the feeling.

After the first night, it seems, looking back, that it's gone in a flash. Where have the past 3 months gone?? We focus so much on the future, that we forget to live in the present. And the present is just that... a present. To be enjoyed, nurtured and cuddled. I pray that I never get ahead of myself and forget to enjoy, nurture and cuddle my present, Mackenzie.

We had our "newborn" pictures taken about 2 1/2 weeks ago... hopefully when I get our proofs, I will be able to post a couple. But for now, here is Mackenzie's dedication picture.

I am a mom & I am in love...

Friday, August 21, 2009

Mackenzie Danielle is here!

Well, after a traumatic experience, Mackenzie Danielle made her appearance by way of emergency c-section on August 11, 2009 at 11:51 am.

It turns out that I had turned eclamptic and needed that baby out right then or my life, and the life of my daughter, would be in jeopardy. My dad took me to the doctor's office around 10 am or so, the doctor said I would be delivering Mackenzie within the next 24 to 48 hours, and by 11:51 she was born.

The only things I remember from that day are being wheeled over to the hospital (my dr office is next to the hospital, thank goodness), waiting on a helicopter to take off before we could get into the hospital due to safety reasons, and then throwing up (I guess that was when I was on the operating table). Then I was told that I had 3 huge seizures. My husband was rushed out of the room and a Code Blue was called and doctors came rushing in.

It's been a long journey of trying to get me back and healthy. We've been struggling with my blood pressure and just 2 days ago, I was diagnosed with cardiomyopathy. However, it is just a mild case and with the help medication, my heart can be strengthened. But with this medication, I am unable to breastfeed Mackenzie. That was so upsetting to me because that is a huge part of motherhood that I was looking forward to. To not be able to give your child food, something only you can do, was such a blow. BUT, it's not something only I can do. My sister and Drew's sister, who are breastfeeding their children, are going to donate milk for me to feed Mackenzie with. Now, that's love. If I can't give Mackenzie my milk, I would rather her get breastmilk from her aunts. And I am truly thankful. Breastmilk is the best thing I can give my sweet preemie daughter.

Mackenzie was 2 lbs 9 oz when she was born. She dropped some weight after birth, as is normal, and as of yesterday, she was back to her birth weight and almost plus 1 oz! She's growing, she's healthy and she's strong! She has her daddy's chin and nose and she is more perfect and wonderful than I could have ever imagined. I didn't know I could love anything more than I love Mackenzie.

I will post a couple pictures when I am at home. The internet at the hospital is too slow to do any uploads, lol. They will be the first time I got to see her, a few days after her birth; the first time I changed her diaper; and the second time I held her kangaroo style on my chest.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

26 Weeks

So, here I am, waiting on Drew. This is probably a first! So, he took my picture before taking his shower, so I could update the blog while waiting.
We are going to start our registries today! Yay! I'm hoping that we can get a good start or finish (ya right) so it's done and over with. Then, if I want, I can always update it and add more online. We are registering at BRU (Babies R Us) and Target. I've actually already started the Target registry.
My sister, Dyan, and best friend, Sarah, are throwing me a baby shower on August 29th - so I wanted to get the registries done beforehand. So here we go!! I've heard that it's really overwhelming - but I've done my research, have a pretty good idea what we want/need. So hopefully it will go smoothly.
How far along? 26 weeks 3 days!
Total weight gain/loss: Notta clue - I have my next Dr. Appt on the 23rd - so I will update in 2 weeks :-)
Maternity clothes? Yep!
Stretch marks? Nothing new
Sleep: Starting to get uncomfortable and wake up a couple times.
Best moment this week: I thought I had a good one for this, but am coming up blank... If I think of it, I'll edit.
Movement: Every day - throughout the day
Food cravings: Here's a new one - got home from practice Tuesday night craving onion rings, so went with Brittany to Sonic and got a large onion rings that I demolished and a chocolate shake! Yumm!! Then Thursday morning, I was craving biscuits and gravy, so I helped myself to an order from IHOP! lol... oh boy...
Gender: GIRL!
Labor Signs: None - I think I've had a few BH contrax though... not sure
Belly Button in or out? Out
What I miss: Being able to have my lower back popped easily... it's so tight lately :-(
What I am looking forward to: I'm co-counseling 5th & 6th grade church camp this coming week with my mom - should be great fun! We're making flip flops with our girls - all 18 of them!
Weekly Wisdom: Don't eat a large onion ring and then forget to take your unisom that night before bed... the results are not pretty.
Milestones: It's starting to get uncomfortable when Mackenzie rolls around lol... OH, and finally deciding on her first name, Mackenzie!! Middle name to come soon :-)

Sunday, July 5, 2009

We have a name!

A first name, that is. :-D



I'm so excited to have our little girl named... now we're just trying to decide on her middle name! Woo hoo!!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

25 Weeks & Nursery Progress

Made it another week! And omgosh, it hit me today, I have 15 weeks (give or take) until I have a child in my arms. :::reaches for paper bag:::

Okay, I'm okay. Just breathe. :-)

Here's my bump pic for the week. I look awful. No makeup... I look dead. This was taken in the baby room... but of course, you can't see the yellow on the walls.

Below my weekly update trivia, I've got a couple pics of the nursery. It's just painted for now. I ordered the wallpaper border and it should be here within the next week. My mom has volunteered (or, rather I have volunteered her) to help me put that up. I can't wait! The crib is in pieces - my dad is going to order some hardware that broke after Dyan and Jory used it - granted, it was 26 years old! It's a beautiful crib and I can't wait to get it all set up!

I'll post more pics of the nursery as it progresses...

How far along? 25 weeks!
Total weight gain/loss: I should just delete this question... I don't weigh myself weekly.
Maternity clothes? Yep!
Stretch marks? Nothing new
Sleep: All night - and wonderfully with Dyan's snoogle pillow she's lending me :-) Thanks sis!
Best moment this week: Hmm, not sure... Having a hormonal week - so nothing looks amazing.
Movement: Every day - throughout the day
Food cravings: nothing really
Gender: GIRL!
Labor Signs: None
Belly Button in or out? It popped today! hahaha... it's so weird
What I miss: Not crying at the drop of a hat... everything is overwhelming me right now and I just want to cry.
What I am looking forward to: October - when band is pretty much over and the baby is here
Weekly Wisdom: I'm not wise tonight
Milestones: Belly Button popage? I dunno... stupid hormones...

Here's the pics of the nursery... I'm glad it's yellow - it makes me happy when I walk in - even though it's quite shocking at first. :-)
This one is a pic of the closet and the "nook" that I want to put the glider that I want. This pic shows the truest color of the yellow.

Here is the window (sorry for the blur) and I want to put the crib at an angle in that corner.

Sorry for being Debbie Downer tonight..
:::reaches for the paper bag again:::

Saturday, June 27, 2009

24 Weeks & V-Day

Today is Saturday, so technically, I'm 24 weeks and 3 days! I was too lazy to have Drew take a pic on Wednesday and just got busy!

I told you last time that I would explain what V-Day meant. It's not Valentine's Day... it's Viability Day. When you are 24 weeks along, if you happen to go into pre-term labor, your baby could survive with intense medical care. It's really kind of a morbid "celebration," but a milestone none-the-less.

We still don't have a name... maybe this weekend while Drew and I are doing stuff around the house, we can hash it out! I will post the name when it's decided... or I may make ya'll wait till she's born! Muahahahah!!! :-P

How far along? 24 weeks 3 days!
Total weight gain/loss: Back to my pre-preg weight
Maternity clothes? Yep!
Stretch marks? Nothing new

Sleep: All night
Best moment this week: Got the swing put together!
Movement: Every day - she likes the mornings apparently :-0
Food cravings: nothing really
Gender: GIRL!
Labor Signs: None
Belly Button in or out? Flat - should pop in a couple weeks or so

What I miss: Bending over lol
What I am looking forward to: Brittany, Christopher and Tiffany are all coming in town next week for Grandma Damron's (Drew's mom's mom) 80th Birthday Bash! Will be great to have everyone home!
Weekly Wisdom: Stop eating when you're full...
Milestones: V-Day!

Monday, June 22, 2009

"Houston, we have hiccups"

Yes, indeedy! I was woken up late Saturday night or Sunday morning with my stomach shaking... I wasn't fully awake, but enough so that I remember thinking to myself, "I think the baby has the hiccups..." and then crashing again. lol.

I *heart* my unisom! It usually helps me sleep through the night. This was the first I've been waken up by her!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Something fun!

To the right is a link to a poll on baby names... just something kind of fun to do if you're bored. These are names I came up with and Drew hasn't really given me his opinion on any of them except the generic "I don't know..." So, yeah... these are probably not going to be the final list of name ideas, but these are a few that have sparked my interest!

Have fun and vote away!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

23 Weeks!

So, here we are, 23 weeks! Next week is "viability" week... will explain that next week - but that will be a nice milestone! It feels like I'm barely pregnant... I'm just barely past halfway. Sounds better saying that I have 17 weeks left, haha!

We just got back last night from Ohio... we had an awesome time with Drew's sister and brother-in-law. She graduated from OSU - we're so proud of her! This fall she starts her PHD program - full ride and a nice stipend! Go Brittany!! So in another 5 years or so, we'll be back to see her graduate from one of the hardest programs! And she'll be Doctor Brittany. She wants to be called Doctor Aunt Brittany, rofl... silly goose :-) But we had a great time... my shins hurt like no other... we walked the whole Columbus zoo Monday! Woo, go me! I didn't think I'd make it, but I did! The baby loved the trip, too, and all the yummy foodz and the Cherry Dr. Pepper... which, darn it, I forgot to pick up at the grocery store a few minutes ago!! Drew said "you don't need it anyway." Phooey on him! I shall buy some tomorrow perhaps... ;-)

How far along? 23 weeks!
Total weight gain/loss: Just weighed myself... think I'm finally back to my pre-pregnancy weight, woot!
Maternity clothes? Yep!
Stretch marks? Nothing new
Sleep: All night... except the first night in Ohio.. woke at 4:55 (3:55 our time) and had to pee like none other!
Best moment this week: Seeing my sister-in-law graduate from OSU! Go Brie!! And she felt the baby :-)
Movement: Every day - found out she likes sodas and cookies, haha... am I a bad mommy??
Food cravings: Uh, I just bought some mint choc. chip ice cream...
Gender: GIRL!
Labor Signs: None
Belly Button in or out? Starting to "pop"... maybe another couple weeks and it will be a full outie
What I miss: Not really anything right now... life is great!
What I am looking forward to: The weekend... if it's not raining, I will go with the in-laws to the Theater in the Park to see 7 Brides for 7 Brothers... Drew has a dinner with his VP; and Sunday is Father's Day - so lunch at the in-laws and dinner at my sisters! Woo, good eatin!
Weekly Wisdom: I still don't feel very wise
Milestones: Baby's first plane ride - to Ohio! She did great! Particularly loved the Midwest choc. chip cookies on each flight ;-)

Thursday, June 11, 2009

22 Weeks and Sono Pics

Hey hey! So I've made it through another week! Yahoo! Drew thinks it's silly for me to say "Happy __ Week!" every Wednesday... but I love it! It's celebrating our baby getting through another week! Nothing is guaranteed in pregnancy or life, and I don't want to take one minute of it for granted. I am truly blessed with my little "nudger" and couldn't be happier to be carrying her around with me every day! I call her my little nudger because that's what it is so far... no horrifyingly painful kicks yet! LOL... anyway, here's my update for the week. Then below are a couple 3D sono pics that I got at my 20 week appointment. I will post more on my facebook when my mother-in-law can get them scanned. Her scanner is acting funky!

How far along? 22 weeks and 1 day!
Total weight gain/loss: Uh, not sure.. I don't get on the scale every day or every week.
Maternity clothes? Yep! Got some new shorts (khaki and jean) last night from Target - love them!
Stretch marks? Still just chestage lol
Sleep: Still sleeping really well! I am lucky to not have been cursed with the uber-tiny bladder yet... although it seems to be the baby's new toy/trampoline lol
Best moment this week: We got the swing in the mail! A whole week early!! :-)
Movement: Every day
Food cravings: Usually, it's what the girls on talk about that gets me craving stuff
Gender: GIRL!
Labor Signs: None
Belly Button in or out? It's getting flatter and when I puff my tummy out, it pokes out a little... I can tell I will most likely have the "pop"
What I miss: My energy
What I am looking forward to: We leave for Ohio tomorrow! Yay!
Weekly Wisdom: Um, I got nothing :-/
Milestones: First baby purchase - the Fisher Price swing!

Friday, June 5, 2009

first baby purchase!

As I was messing around on The Bump today, someone posted a couple of swings that are on sale at Kohl's! So I sent the link to Drew and he told me to go ahead and buy it tonight. We weren't sure how long the sale would last and it was 50% off the reg. price from Babies R Us! Wheeee!! It should be here in about 2 weeks! Yay!

It's the Fisher-Price Nature's Touch Papasan Cradle Swing! Hooray! I hope my little girl enjoys it! It plays 8 different lullabies, has the mobile over the head, and you can turn the seat sideways to swing front-to-back! I can't wait to get it all set up!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Half-way there!

Well, I'm starting this a bit late - but I guess late is better than never! I was inspired by a gal who goes by the name of Blair - she blogs and is incredibly witty! She does an update weekly and posts bump pictures. Such a cute idea! So here I go! (And any other tidbits during pregnancy that I want to vent or share will be here!)
I had a pretty rough 1st trimester - was sick - A LOT! I went to the ER after not being able to keep anything down for 2 days. I've been taking my 1/2 a tablet of unisom every night and that helps - drastically! Other than that, I've enjoyed every bit of my pregnancy! I can't wait to be a mom!

Every week, I'd like to post the latest "bump" picture and the following questions! Enjoy!

How far along? 21 weeks and 1 day!
Total weight gain/loss: Still not back to my pre-preg weight
Maternity clothes? They are the most comfy! But I can still pull off certain pre-preg shirts or skirts as long as they stretch and are long enough
Stretch marks? None on the belly - but chest is another story :-(
Sleep: Usually through the night
Best moment this week: The big sono!! She looks perfect! (Was actually last week)
Movement: Every day - throughout the day! So fun!
Food cravings: Nothing out of the usual
Gender: GIRL!
Labor Signs: None
Belly Button in or out? I call it an in-betweeny - hasn't changed much
What I miss: Rollercoasters and waterslides - it's getting hot out!
What I am looking forward to: NBR (non-baby-related) going to Ohio for Drew's sister's college graduation! Baby girl's first plane trip!
Weekly Wisdom: I don't feel very wise... maybe just be sure you know you're talking to who you think you're talking to... long story lol
Milestones: Drew feeling her kick last week!! And seeing her move from the outside!

Hope you all enjoy my weekly updates... I will do my best to keep up with them! Thought it would be a fun way to include you all in my pregnancy and keep you up-to-date!